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Updated: Nov 22, 2021

If you’re seeking to improve your health, you need to evaluate your habits. Unfortunately, many do not realize certain food cause inflammation, which can cause other issues, including accelerated aging. Eating health supportive anti-inflammatory foods is vital to your health see list below.

I encourage you to download this food schedule, hang it on your refrigerator, and focus on enjoying the foods that will improve your health.

And, if you want your kids to enjoy foods that are better for their health, we’ve made it fun and simple with this snacking monster. Get the list of healthy snacks here.

Yours in health, Dr. Kathleen Hartford Home | Dr Kathleen Hartford ( www.drkathleenhartford.comCREDENTIALS:  Dr. Kathleen Hartford, a licensed Integrated Wellness Practitioner, Healthy Aging Expert, and NET licensed specialist, has dedicated herself to improving her patients’ physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellness. The author of FIT, FUN & FABULOUS AT ANY AGE, Dr. Hartford speaks all over the world to promote understanding among the healing disciplines and to help people reclaim their health and vitality.



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