During this season of Giving Thanks, I wish for you an abundance of love, community, joy and grace. The grace to see and acknowledge all of the wonderful blessing in your life, even the not so wonderful but you love them anyway, blessings. I also want you to know how often I give thanks for the wonderful health community which has participated in improving their health for more than 25 years! Some of you were even patients of mine from Cape Town South Africa more than 25 years ago! One of my favorite things that I do every day is ask myself “What are the 5 things you are most grateful for right now?” and then list them. Sometime it is simply a hot shower when so many walk miles for water. A full grocery store with fresh foods to feed myself and my family. My dogs who are happy to see me…always. Horse manure to shovel which is like therapy to me. An office full of health seeking patients especially the patients that really get it and take full advantage of maintaining their health. Finally, and always, my loved ones, whether they are near or far, relatives or friends, I list each one by name. As I do this I can feel my heart expand and become more open to whatever is happening in my life. I become more accepting of the challenges and disappointments I am experiencing and I become more grateful for the people and the comforts that have been there for me for years. Share what you are most grateful for in a gratitude journal. Add pictures or statements of your gratitudes and on those challenging days read others to help you identify your own.
This Holiday season my wish for you is that the effort of getting a meal together, managing difficult family relationships and rushing to get it all done is completely overshadowed by the love, appreciation and joy as you look around and acknowledge that maybe your life isn’t perfect, but it is your perfect….your amazing life. Breathe and enjoy.
Happy Thanksgiving!
God Bless and Go Well
Dr. Kathleen Hartford What to do with your leftover turkey.
This recipe is delicious and nutritious
Your fridge is packed with vegetables and turkey… and you’re wanting a recipe that is different and healthy. This recipe is extremely flexible (you don’t even need to add turkey if you want a vegetarian option), and you probably already have all these ingredients in your refrigerator and cabinets. Get the recipe here. Avoid the Holiday Five
Don’t pack on the usual 5 pounds of weight over the holidays
Join the Fit Fun & Fabulous At Any Age Program between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Eat whatever you like on the holidays just do the program in-between. To support you, we are giving 10% off the price of the program so that you can maintain your weight, or better yet lose a few pounds during the Holidays!
It’s for this month only so don’t delay. We want you to be happy and healthy throughout the holidays especially January 2nd what you step on the scale:-) Sign up today.
Here’s a simple way to relax over the Holidays
You’re bound to be stressed over the holidays, so when you feel the stress taking over, sneak away and listen to this audio. You’ll feel relaxed within 15 minutes! Access it here
#Gratitudejournal #Holidays #Stress #Thanksgiving